Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I've moved!

What a wild few weeks! We’ve been very busy at work, cash flow has been a bit weak, requiring extra effort to bill clients for work done, and we have multiple projects in progress. And that’s the least of it. Won’t have internet at home for another month or more, a real inconvenience, especially when it comes to posting here.

Moving into an unfinished, unfurnished house has been its own challenge. Took one two day trip to Belmopan, Orange Walk and Belize City to buy all the lighting fixtures and fans, three mirrors, and paint to replace the pink in the great room, in Belmopan, then on to Orange Walk to a furniture manufacturer called New River Enterprises where I happened to be there at the start of an as yet unpublicized sale, and while I spent more than I had intended, I acquired some really nice furniture, including a coffee table with a Myan relief carved surface.

Then on to Belize City to spend the night at an inn owned by a Belgian ex-pat, and the next day to select a refridgerator, washing machine and stove, and get another gallon of red paint for the south wall of the great room. Also bought a box spring for my bed to be.

Hit a few grocery stores, bought 10 boxes of chocolate pudding mix (the kind you cook) and all the jars Bertolli Alfredo with Mushrooms sauce the store had displayed (about 8), and assorted other sundries not available in Placencia. My friend Bob accompanied me, helping greatly in navigating in Belize City, and providing good company. Ran out of butane to power the truck while there, and discovered I also had only drops of gasoline. As luck would have it, just enough to get into a gas station, when it died as I was making a turn to line up with a pump. Had to push it backwards to line up with a pump, which took extra effort because it was fully loaded with fixtures and furniture.

When I got home from that trip I had an email from a person telling me that a group order for quality mattresses had fallen through. Very irritating, because I had just been in Belize City, and could have shopped for one. It all turned out ok, because I was able to buy one direct from the factory, and pick it up on a return trip to get the box spring the following week. The mattress is top end – a firm mattress with “pillow top” on both sides – good for my back and my circulation. Paid $786 BZD, or $393 USD. Same thing factory direct in Portland would have been $800 or $900 USD. Now having slept on it for a few nights, I’m very pleased.

On that return trip selected a stove because the one selected earlier was not available. Did some additional shopping, and got a piece of plate glass for the coffee table, but the highlight of the trip was going to the Belize Zoo. It is a remarkable place. I’ll devote more to it in a future post.

We are a few days from Christmas, and with the stove finally installed two days ago, I baked rolled Christmas cookies tonight. Listening to a wide variety of Christmas music, and I must say, the acoustics of the great room are outstanding. The combination of being so busy, and being in a tropical climate, and moving, and the lack of commercialism pounding the holiday into my psyche, a left me dealing with it on a last minute basis, and not really worrying about it.

Must close this now, but will try to get back into the habit now that I’ve settled into my new abode in Maya Beach.

Be well, stay warm, and have a happy holiday!

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